This weekend was pretty rough around here. Jenna woke up Saturday morning at 5am with a fever. We gave her some Tylenol and it worked for a couple hours but then her temp just went right back up. I wasn't overly concerned because she seemed fine and was still playing and eating. Saturday night her temp was about 102 and so we called the pediatrician. He said to switch to Motrin and call him if it went to 104 or if Jenna seemed much worse. It was a little bit of a rough night but we didn't have to call him back. Sunday, she still played a little in the morning, but once she woke up from her nap she was burning up and very unhappy. Her temp was 104 and the pediatrician told us to head to urgent care. Her ears and throat checked out okay and they said it is a respiratory virus and to watch for signs of pneumonia. Poor Jenna was so miserable. We began rotating the Tylenol and Motrin and did tepid baths (pure torture). Finally around 3am this morning the fever broke. Poor baby was sweating and shivering. I sat up with her for a couple hours and she finally went back to bed. She seems a little out of sorts today but so much better than yesterday.
So the squinch is the nickname we gave for Jenna's new cheesy grin. In fact, if you tell her to do the squinch, she will give you this cute little smile. I absolutely LOVE it and melt every time she does it.
And finally, Jenna's newest baby trick is blowing bubbles in the bath. She doesn't actually blow bubbles, but she puts her little face down in the water. She's actually giving the water "lovies" or kisses. It started because I asked her to give me lovies and she put her face in the water. She does it every night now and is so proud of herself when we cheer her on.