Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Spring Fever

We've had a few really nice days around here lately. On Saturday, Jenna and I went shopping with my mom (Nonnie), and it was so warm outside. Poor Jenna was way over dressed. When we got home I stripped her down to just a onesie. Looking through her closet I realized we really didn't have any spring or summer clothes. So, Sunday us three girls headed back out to the mall and hit up the Gymboree Spring Break sale. Seriously cute stuff!! Up until Sunday, I hadn't done any shopping for Jenna. She has received so many gifts that we have not had to buy her anything. It helped me not feel so guilty on Sunday. Anyways, today was a beautiful day and so we decided to go with one of her spring outfits. This adorable outfit was given to Jenna by her Uncle J and Auntie JoJo. Pat dressed her (and even added the bow) and brought her out to me and I almost died because she just looked so cute!! I love her little body and she's always so covered up. I can't wait for all the spring and summer outfits to come! Thanks Auntie JoJo, Uncle J, Paige and Ally for this adorable outfit...we LOVE it!


  1. Yea! I'm so glad it fits...and the blue looks great on her (really, though, what color doesn't look cute?)

    My girls wore those dresses yesterday. Kelly posted a picture on her blog (Charlene's been sick all week, so we've taken turns being a SAHM with all 3 girls)

    I really can't wait for easter, I'm counting down the days (maybe just maybe, we have one more coordinated outfit coming your way..shhh don't tell J :)

  2. Ooooo...I love that outfit too. Makes me want to go shopping :-)

  3. Adorable! My Gym bucks are burning a hole in my pocket since I can't use them yet. =( Sad. I bet you had a blast at Gymbo. It's pretty addicting.
