Monday, October 18, 2010

The Patch

This Saturday we took Jenna to the pumpkin patch. It is a really fun set up with rides, vendors, entertainment, a haunted house, and of course, pumpkins. We went last year and had a blast and this year the owner expanded his space to include even more attractions. This past Saturday was a special day at the patch where the owner was donating 100% of the proceeds to our local Ronald McDonald House. For 10 dollars, Jenna got unlimited access to the rides. We went down this giant slide quite a few times, and had she had it her way, it would have been many more times. It was 90 degrees on Saturday so I didn't dress her in her long sleeve pumpkin shirt but oh well. It was a really fun day for us.

Daddy and Jenna on the little train
Family self-portrait on the spinning strawberry ride
Jenna's first roller-coaster. Seriously tiny little cars. No way anyone taller than me could squeeze their legs into that thing. Seriously.
One of those tilt-a-whirl rides. It went forward and backward. For a few seconds I considered that maybe Jenna wasn't ready for this, but she laughed the entire time.
Sweet little face on the lookout for the perfect pumpkin.
She found it!!
What a cheese this little girl is. I love her squinchy, cheesy grins!


  1. Her goofy little grin is cracking me up. What a ham! It looks like you guys had a great time!

    And just for some advance warning (since she totally looks disneyland ready), some of the disney rides are teeny tiny like that. Imagine being 6 feet tall and trying to squeeze in there with your kid. They have a few in toon-town that I literally have to origami-fold myself into and out of. I don't think I've ever laughed quite so hard, when we went with April/Brian and the girls. Brian is quite a master at folding himself to get in/out of the rides.

  2. Joanna,
    I was thinking exactly of you when I was trying to figure out what to do with my legs on that ride. I yelled over to pat about I don't know how Joanna would do this with her long legs. As for Disneyland we were originally thinking of waiting till she was around 4 but I guess we will have to see how it goes. Riding those little rides did make me excited thinking about her at Disneyland.
