Friday, April 3, 2009

God Bless You!

Okay so this is what happens when you sneeze with a mouth full of sweet potatoes. Seriously, it went everywhere. All over her shirt, pants, face, hair, and bouncy seat. Needless to say, dinner time was immediately followed by bath time. Other than sneezing with her mouth full, Jenna is doing really well with eating. It took about a week for her to figure out what to do with her tongue but she has got it. She has had rice cereal, oatmeal cereal (which she prefers), sweet potatoes, and bananas. I had to give myself a little attitude adjustment about half way through the week. I was slightly frustrated with the fact that she would spit most of the food back out and it was seriously messy. Then she would stick her hand in her mouth and touch her hair or her clothes, or the cover of her high chair. I had to remind myself that she's only 4 months, she has to learn, and messy is okay. So now I take a few deep breaths, sometimes strip off her clothes, and go for it.


  1. God bless her is right! That is the best photo. When we started rice cereal with Paige we didn't have the high-chair set up yet and it was before the time of bumbo's so, we too, fed her in her bouncy seat.

    My trick? But down an old town and strip 'er down first.

    6 more days till we see you guys...Woo-hoo!

  2. Isn't it amazing that it's already time for her to eat "solid" food. Time flies!

  3. Looks like her food spill on her face. I fink thats some of her sneezes. At Easter we'll hid Easter and baby Jenna will watch cuz she' too wittle for Easter.That's all.

  4. Oh my! What a mess. Gotta love those unpredictable sneezes. I can't believe she's already eating solids! Way to go Jenna!
