Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Skills

Jenna has become quite the little climber. She loves being on the couch but we don't really let her up too often because she jumps around too much. So she has started trying to think of her own ways to get up on the couch. I caught her in the act....

Hmmm....maybe if I give mommy my cutest squinch, she won't be mad
I just love this pic of my sweet girl in her special Christmas jammies
This is a picture of Jenna on Christmas morning with her new gift, which she absolutely loves. She did push it over to the couch, climb in the open door, out the window on the opposite side, and onto the couch. The car is now outside where it belongs. What a goofball

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jenna Meet Santa

Jenna totally loved Santa!!! I know...I'm shocked too. We took her to go see Santa today and she did awesome! We had to wait in a small line and so Pat stood in line and I took Jenna to watch as the other kids sat on his lap. She smiled at Santa, squinched at Santa, and even blew kisses to Santa. I was still convinced it would be all fun and games until she actually had to sit with Santa. But Jenna surprised both of us and was completely fine with the whole thing. She smiled at him and didn't try to squirm away from him, and even smiled for the photo. What a precious girl she is. We are having so much fun with her right now.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ugly Sweater Party

Well, I'm another year older....29 to be exact. And I happen to share my birthday with our close friend Brian. So in honor of both our birthdays, we decided to have an ugly Christmas sweater party. It turned out to be really fun, and as you can tell...pretty ugly.

Monday, December 7, 2009

busy little bee

Seriously, this girl is into everything!! I was unloading the dishwasher the other day, and I turned around to put something away, and this is what I found when I turned back around. What a little stinker! She is a little climber. She is desperate to climb up onto the couch and she now pushes her toys over to the couch to assist in that task. I'll have to catch her doing that with the camera too because it's pretty funny. I'm just hoping she doesn't figure out how to climb out of her crib.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jenna's Birthday Weekend

Alright, well this post is a tad late but oh well. Last weekend we celebrated Jenna's birthday with a party at our tiny little house. We invited more people than could fit in our home and it was essentially like trying to fit 10 pounds of sugar in a 5 pound bag. We were lucky that the weather cooperated and so we were able to put some people in our back yard. We are so lucky to have so many people that care about us and wanted to celebrate our sweet baby girl. Unfortunately, I didn't spend a lot of time taking pictures, and I had very few to post.
Our little family
Jenna and her cousins
Daddy helping Jenna with her cupcake
Jenna went face first!!
Sweet girls
The aftermath
The cleanup
On Sunday, we had Jenna's baby dedication at our church. Somehow, we managed to let an entire year pass before having her dedication done. Lesson learned on that one. The next kid will be dedicated in the early months. Jenna was a total rascal up on stage. Like a serious little rascal. She couldn't decide if she wanted mommy or daddy and so she kept hopping back and forth until Pat finally handed her over to our pastor, which Jenna took surprisingly well. She was a bit of a fuss, and I think we will definitely dedicate the next child much earlier. Anyways, it was a very special day for our family and we were so glad to have Jason and Joanna, Jenna's Godparents, present for her dedication.