Monday, June 22, 2009

A Bunch of Firsts

Well Sunday was a day of firsts here at our house. It was of course Pat's first Father's Day. We let him sleep in and then when he woke up we went and had breakfast with my Dad, Jason, Paige and Ally. Jenna did a great job of playing in the high chair at the restaurant which we appreciated.

After breakfast we decided to take Jenna to the park for the first time. She loved the swing and I swear we could have stayed there all day. She went down one of the baby slides also, but we had to hold on of course. Jenna is lucky I learned a lesson about slides with her big cousin I know to hold on. The park we went to has a batting cage right by the little kid playground. Pat used to play baseball and it had been awhile since he hit, but you'd never know it. He was pretty good, and it was fun to watch him. It brought back a lot of memories. After the park, we headed home so miss Jenna could take a nap. After her nap, we were playing with her toys on the floor and she started to crawl!!! I was so excited. She has been scooting around and rolling to get where she wants to go, but she officially did hands and knees crawling. It's SO much fun watching her learn new things. I of course didn't get good pictures of her crawling the first time and the video I got of her wouldn't load for some reason so I'll have to try again soon. I used our regular camera to take the video and it's just not great quality. So we have decided that it is time to get ourselves a video camera. We are going to do a little research and then hopefully I'll be posting videos in no time.
The other big thing Jenna decided to do on Father's day is shown below. We went in after her nap when we heard her playing and this is what we found.

Jenna has learned to pull herself to a standing position. So today, I lowered the crib to the lowest setting. Her mobile has a warning sticker that says it should be removed when the baby learns to stand up, so it had to come down. I was kind of sad about that but we can save it for the next baby. Anyways, that was a long post. We are so excited to share all of our first's. Jenna is changing so fast and I'm just trying to enjoy every second.


  1. Great Pictures!

    I'm sorry I missed the Father's Day stuff, it looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

    and man, crawling and pulling-to-standing all in the same day? I can't believe she's the third little girl to be in that crib. Made me look back at the photos of my kids in it...
    what a trip!

    Happy belated Father's day, Pat!

  2. tick...tock...tick...tock..

  3. Hi Brianne! I can't believe how fast little Jenna is growing up... she needs to slow down! By the way... what is your work schedule this next week? Dr. Swanson says he thinks this baby is coming this weekend. If she's not here by Monday, I go in to be induced early next week... Holy cow!!!

