Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jenna Meet Santa

Jenna totally loved Santa!!! I know...I'm shocked too. We took her to go see Santa today and she did awesome! We had to wait in a small line and so Pat stood in line and I took Jenna to watch as the other kids sat on his lap. She smiled at Santa, squinched at Santa, and even blew kisses to Santa. I was still convinced it would be all fun and games until she actually had to sit with Santa. But Jenna surprised both of us and was completely fine with the whole thing. She smiled at him and didn't try to squirm away from him, and even smiled for the photo. What a precious girl she is. We are having so much fun with her right now.


  1. What a great photo! And, that's an incredible looking Santa! We didn't even attempt with Aubrey... I know she would have a major melt down! Glad Jenna enjoy the jolly old man!

  2. AMAZING!!!!

    Cherish it, because they get older/crabbier/awkward/uncooperative... can u tell that I'm a wee bit bitter about our picture yesterday?

    Ally looks like the dude from sling blade and is doing an awkward Jay Leno impression..her chin looks about 2 feet long and paige has a blank stare.

    But Ally was SOOOOO proud of being brave and sitting on his lap (she refused last year) I couldn't not buy the picture. Oh well,
    theres always next year :)
