Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm Back- Take 2

Ok so I had really good intentions of sticking with this blogging thing. But then I got discouraged because really, who reads this anyway? And I became a facebook addict so I figured why do both. I realize now that facebook is perfect for commitment-phobe/ voyeuristic folks like myself. I can update as little as I want while still reading what everyone else has going on. However, just like casual dating can be fun, in the end, it is not very satisfying. So I turn once again to this blog. My new attitude on this blogging thing is that it's not really about who is reading it but rather what writing it can do for me. I used to love to journal but never make time for it anymore. I think it will be a healthy outlet for me. I also refuse to pressure myself to blog daily or post tons of pics each day, or write long stories when all I have is pics. It will be whatever it is and that's that.

I just spent nearly an hour trying to put a fall face to my blog and now that I'm ready to throw my laptop out the window, I think I will just post a couple pictures for tonight.


  1. So glad you're back!!! I have been really bad lately about posting myself, and I also have not been reading the blogs of other people. It has just been too crazy here. I'm sure you can relate. I hope to get my blog updated today and to catch up on reading everybody's but like you I am not pressuring myself. However, I agree with you...who cares who reads's good for us no matter if we're the only ones who see it :-)

  2. Welcome back!!!!!! 'It will be whatever it is' is totally right. We just want to *see* you and *hear* what you have to say. Whether it's wordy-wordy, just a a photo, or hell, even a rant. It's your space and you can make it whatever you want it to be, no pressure (notice that I didn't leave one tick tock comment, ha!).

    I spent 45 minutes looking back through my blog last night, for no other reason than to just look back at the photos and read about this past see the girls and Jason and I grow and change makes me happy.

    You'd think that by blogging it, I'd remember it all, but it's not the case, I still forget so much.

    Of course I love it when people read or comment, the real reason I do it though, is more for a creative outlet for myself. I like to write down my feelings, I like that by writing it down It makes me pause for a second and really be aware of what's happening in my life. I too used to keep a journal and after Paige was born it became really sporatic, and then after Ally it pretty much stopped.
    I'm thrilled you're back and I love the new background (even if it did take forever :)

  3. brianne!! i read it, i read it! so glad to see pictures of jenna - she's huge!! and i go through that every once in awhile, of not thinking it's worth the time b/c no one ever comments, etc... but i did the same thing and just write for me/my fam, that's better anyway, then you don't have to worry about disappointing anyone... the girls above said some good things that i second!

    i miss you all so much, and am so glad (esp since i'm no longer on FB) you posted some pictures!! hope you're doing well... xoxo lil
