Thursday, March 5, 2009

Here We Go...

Alright, so I am finally giving in and starting a blog. I'm not sure who all will be interested in what I have to say but I do have a cute kid and I'm thinking most people will just be checking for new pictures of her. So anyways, I think I'll start with a quick update on what's new here at our house.

Jenna is now 3 months and 1 week old, which is nuts! It feels like we just had her and like she's been here forever all at the same time. Pat and I are adjusting fairly well to parenthood and are, of course, madly in love with our little one. I just started back to work, which has been a little difficult. I hate being away from Jenna for 12's entirely too long. Usually when I leave for work she is still sleeping and when I get home, she is on her way to bed. Fortunately, I only have about 3 more months of 12 hour shifts left. I'm in the last semester of my master's program and thrilled to death to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Pat is working at Fresno State and for his father. He spends a lot of time taking care of Jenna while I'm at clinicals and at work and I'm so happy to say that Jenna is just as happy with Daddy as she is with Mommy, which is important to me.

As for Jenna, she is:
  • Rolling over, both from her tummy to her back, and her back to her tummy
  • Wearing 3-6 month sized clothing
  • Sleeping anywhere from 4-7 hour stretches at night
  • Smiling all the time and giggling occasionally
  • Absolutely loving her nightly bath
  • A very loved little girl


  1. Yea! I get to be the fist inaugural comment!!!! I can't tell you just how excited I am, really, I know I've been trying to push you on the blog-wagon, but I'm so so pleased that you did it!
    You know I'll be stalking this blog *daily*. You can bet that it you go a few days w/o posting, I'll start leaving mean little comments.

    ps. love the background

  2. I am just as excited as Joanna about your new blog and know that you will have so much fun with it. Promise not to bug you about posting until you are finished with school. Also love the background and the sweet pictures of Jenna.

  3. YEA!!!!! Since I have been known to bug you to start a blog a time or two I am super excited that you jumped on the blog wagon!!! I look forward to keeping up to date on the happenings of PB&J :-)
