Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How Time Flies

Holy Smokes how fast time flies. I can't believe how much Jenna has changed. She's almost too big for the bath chair. She loves bath time so much but she is such a little daredevil. Every night she attempts to fling herself out of the chair. She actually has accomplished this feat twice, and she went all the way under the water. She didn't love that so much but pretty much handled it like a champ. Anyways, off to bathe the little fish now.


  1. Hey, you're becoming a pro...2 posts in 2 days!
    Really, she is getting SO big. I love every chub, and every roll. I'm counting down the days until spring break..

  2. She is ADORABLE! I love how chubby she is! Aubrey had that same bath chair. We had to look for a different type after a while because it would start to tip if she tried to sit up.

    Hope you don't mind if I follow along on your blog. Jenna is getting so big, so fast!
