Friday, May 15, 2009

WOOOHOOO!!!! Finally Finished!

Ok first of all can I just project is done!!! 50 pages later, and it is done. Seriously, it is a huge weight off my shoulders. I still have a take home final to finish and some hours to chart, but it's nothing compared to the work of that paper.

Anyways, I thought I'd post a picture of my Mother's Day gift. I LOVE it and it's even cuter in person. Jenna's hands and feet already don't fit in the mold. It's so crazy how fast she is changing. Check back tomorrow night for some pictures of her and some updates. I'm off to sleep, hopefully peacefully.


  1. Brianne- That's adorable! We had Paige's done at 1 month, and Ally's done at 5....I love those things. It reminds me of those first few months....
    Jenna's turned out beautifully :)
    Congrats on finishing the project!

  2.'s officiall tomorrow night and I'm checking back...and there's nothin', nada, zip, zero, zilch new pictures.

    Liar, liar, pants on fire :)

  3. it's been 2 more days and still nothin'..hmph!
