Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Worst Mom Ever!

Sorry about the long post...I'm hoping this will be therapeutic for me

Well, yesterday I had one of those worst mom ever days. The moms out there know exactly what I'm talking about. No matter what you do, it's just wrong. It all started around 730 in the morning when she woke up. Jenna has started waking up soaked in the morning and so I got the great idea to try night-time diapers. We usually use Pampers Swaddlers, but the night-time diapers are made by Huggies. I didn't think it would matter. WRONG. Jenna woke up with the worst diaper rash ever! Like seriously bad. She didn't seem too bothered by it though. We loaded her up with Desitin and went about our morning.

So then it's around 9:00 when the second incident occurred. Our house is mostly tile floors which I'm beginning to HATE. Anyways, Jenna was sitting there playing, and I was right there so I could catch her if she fell over, but I took one second to rub my sleepy eyes, and of course, in that second, she fell over. She hit her head so hard, and she immediately started screaming. She cried so hard that she was silent, as in hold your breath silent. I immediately picked her up, burst into tears myself, and we both sat there crying for a good few minutes. I still get tears in my eyes when I think about it. I know what you're all thinking...suck it up, but it was really bad.

Jenna went to Dermers for a couple hours while I got a few things done that I needed to do. I'm working wednesday and thursday, and going out of town friday, so it was my only time. Anyways, all went well at Dermers but when she got home and I changed her diaper, I noticed the rash looked even worse. This time Jenna cried when I wiped her. Then of course we took her to the doctor. I felt like the worst mom as I sat there with my child and told him of her head bonk and then showed him the diaper rash. He reassured me that I was not the worst mom, and that Jenna would in fact survive. This did little to make me feel better. Then she got her 4 shots and cried like she had earlier when she hit her head and I, of course, cried again. Sadly, Jenna stopped crying before I did.

Once we got home and I took her diaper off, I was horrified. Her bottom is red and even a deep purple. There are two long spots on either cheek where the skin looked like it had peeled off and was oozing. She cried so much when I was trying to clean her. I bet you can guess who else was crying. So we did naked time for awhile and then used the Aveeno diaper rash stuff which our Ped recommended. We change her frequently throughout the day, at least hourly, and so does Dermers. Last night, we changed her during the middle of the night when she woke up for a feeding. This morning it looked slightly better, but it's still pretty bad.

So, needless to say, it was kind of a rough day for Jenna yesterday. I'm still feeling pretty crappy and emotional about it all, but I logically know that she will be fine, and I'm probably not the worst mom ever. Sorry there are no pictures, but there will be on the next post.


  1. One time when D was only a couple months old the three of us went over to visit JJ&P. She woke up in the night TOTALLY crying. We soothed her back to sleep that night and didn't realize until the morning the she had a HUGE diarrhea poop in her diaper (it didn't smell so we didn't know that was why she woke up). She had THE WORST diaper rash from the poop being on her bottom all night. I still feel bad when I think about it. The consolation is that she doesn't have a clue that it happened :-)

  2. I promise you didn't get this award, even though you had a lousy day....I'll never forget the day I put paige in her carseat, drove to work, when we arrived I got her out of her carseat and realized that I'd NEVER buckled her in.....I seriously wanted to die that day...

    We've all had those days and even some days when your kid really does get hurt by accident (lets see...Paige getting burnt ie..'grilled' by the hairdryer...)

    Hang in there!

  3. Yikes. What a day! We've all had them, that's for sure! That's a bummer that she had such a horrible reaction to the nighttime diapers.

    We have mostly hard wood floors and tile and it really sucks for Aubrey as she's learning to walk. There are going to be LOTS of bumbs and bruises, that's for sure!
