Thursday, October 22, 2009

Changing Times

Things are really changing around here. Jenna got to go shopping last weekend and get her first pair of shoes...thanks Nonnie!! Anyways, she actually got two pairs but so far she has only worn these tennis shoes. She is starting to get used to walking in shoes, but there was a definite learning curve, i.e. it took 15 minutes to walk to the mailbox which is right in front of our house. I'll definitely have to post a picture of Jenna actually wearing the shoes because it's pretty darn cute. She just looks like such a big kid when she's running around the house in shoes. Hard to believe she is almost a year old already.


  1. Have you heard of pedipeds? If not...check out I REALLY liked them for RED. They are not cheap but I think they hold up really well (like you can get two kids worth of wear out of them) and they are really easy to walk in :-)

  2. Super cute! I'm counting down the days until we see her :)
