Sunday, November 21, 2010

The BEST news!!!!

Really, in the grand scheme of life, I suppose it's dramatic to say this is the BEST news, but it's pretty awesome...we have a potty-using toddler!! Jenna has shown an interest in using the potty for the last month or so. I kind of thought it was too early but also tried to encourage her as best I could. She has very sensitive skin and breaks out super easy, and reacts to nearly all types of diapers. We use these super sensitive organic ones, which are almost twice the price of your standard pamper. Even with that she is quite prone to diaper rash, so I was super excited at the thought of soft, natural cotton underwear against her skin.

Last Wednesday (11-10) when I picked Jenna up from school, her teachers mentioned to me that they thought Jenna would do very well with potty training. She was staying dry between diaper changes and was already going on the potty. They said she had been spending the last week watching all the other kids in her class who are potty trained/training, and was wanting to sit on the potty herself. They said she might be too young, but they wanted to at least try since she seemed so excited about it. And so on Friday (11-12) we brought in lot's of pairs of training underwear and lot's of extra pants. I promised myself I wouldn't get too excited or hopeful. I called on my lunch beak to check her progress. 4 pee accidents, 0 pee successes, 2 poop successes, 0 poop accidents. hmmmm...too early to tell. When I picked her up that afternoon, they told me she still had no poop accidents, had 1 more pee accident, and 1 pee success. They encouraged me to pursue it over the weekend.

I decided to spend the entire weekend at the house. Jenna would wear panties all day, and pull-ups at nap and bedtime. Saturday morning included 3 full pee accidents, and 1 half pee accident (half in her underwear, then ran herself to the potty, and got the other half in the potty). However, she pooped like 3 times that morning in the potty. Saturday afternoon and evening included only 1 pee accident, and multiple successes. Sunday was awesome. All day and evening, Jenna only had one accident! I couldn't believe it. We were nearly constantly reminding her to tell us if she had to go and not to go in her panties. It worked.

Monday morning I dressed her in her panties and packed a ton of spare clothes and back to daycare we went. Her teachers all clapped and danced and cheered for her. When I picked her up they told me she only had one accident all day, and it was when she was outside playing. Tuesday went the same and so did Wednesday. Thursday and Friday she had NO accidents. Saturday and Sunday also were accident free. We are continuing with the pull-ups for bedtime and naptime, although this morning is the only morning she woke up with it being a bit wet. Her teachers said that it is always dry after her naps too. We are so excited for our big girl, we just can't believe it. The funniest thing is tonight, the 3 of us were in our room putting laundry away, and after a few minutes Jenna disappeared. We heard her fumbling around a few minutes later and found her in her bathroom, in the dark, going potty. Apparently she didn't feel the need to ask for our help.


  1. YAY Jenna! Auntie Jo-Jo is SO proud of you. You are a potty training prodigy!!!!!!

  2. That's AMAZING!!! Number 2 was the hardest here both times. It seems opposite for her. She's a smart kid...who wouldn't rather wear fun soft panties than a fat padded diaper!
