We had a birthday dinner for Jenna this past Saturday night. My parents couldn't be here on her actual birthday to celebrate with us, and Pat's parents couldn't be here Saturday night, so she ended up getting two celebrations. I think she kinda liked having two nights dedicated to herself, and to eating cake and presents.
In addition to my mom, dad, and Janice, we had Nonnie and Aunt Pam (or Pom as Jenna says), and our good friends Abby and Brian. The theme for the evening was Minnie Mouse because Jenna absolutely loves Mickey and Minnie. We kept it super simple and had Mexican food (on paper Minnie plates), followed by chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. Jenna did a great job. She was sweet and friendly, and very much enoyed being in the spotlight. She tore into her presents, and actually seemed equally excited by clothes and toys. She loved it when we all sang happy birthday and she blew out her candles like a pro (i.e. no spitting as she blew). She then played with her toys for the rest of the evening. She has been playing with them all day...I think she's pretty excited to have some new things. Here's our pictures from our very fun night.
The yummy cake
New clothes
Loving our singing!
So these two pictures have nothing to do with Jenna's birthday party but I am too excited not to share. We got our tree up on black friday. Seriously, this is a first for me. Usually the tree doesn't go up until the secondish week of December. Last year, our tree went up and then we never even put any ornaments on it. This year, I am determined that I will enjoy the month of December. Most of our shopping is done, and now our house is decorated. We are all set to have a fun December.
The tree and mantle look so great! We got ours up today and the house decorated too. We've never done ours this early. I'm super excited that it's done too :)