Monday, January 25, 2010

Operation Failed

Ok, call me whatever names you want. We are back to bottles. Jenna wants nothing to do with milk in any kind of cup, and I am not comfortable with cutting milk out of her diet. Yes she does eat yogurt and some cheese but not on a daily basis. In fact, Jenna isn't terribly consistent about anything. Some days she eats regular table food pretty well, and other days she hardly eats anything. The one thing I could always count on was her naptime and bedtime bottles. So, as April put it, I am sucking it up and giving in.
Here's what I have learned...
  • Jenna is VERY stubborn, and Pat is definitely not, so I'm thinking this may be my fault.
  • Don't post things like this on facebook or the blog until the mission is complete. Otherwise, you get to look like a big dummy when it fails.
  • There are no clear cut timelines or rules for babies or parenting. Sometimes you just have to do what works for your family. I'm not sure why it has taken me 14 months and 1 day to figure this out.
  • She's only going to be little for a short time and as long as I don't send her to kindergarten with a baby bottle or binky, I'm going to slow my roll and let her be.

Thank you all for your advice and won't be the last time I solicit them. Now, I can't just do a post with no pictures so I'm posting a few pictures of my Project Life album. These are really bad pictures but I have a dark house and I'm just tired. Anyways, here it is


  1. don't sweat're no dummy :) I LOVE your PL! Yay you!!!!!!

  2. You don't look like a dummy. I appreciate you being willing to be honest about your parenting struggles. It makes the rest of us feel better about ours. Our little people don't come with instruction manuals so we just have to figure it out as we go. I guarantee that just when you think you have it all figured out you will have kid #2 who will be nothing like kid #1 and you will have to start all over again. Don't beat yourself're doing a great job :-)

  3. Eh, we all are figuring things out on a daily basis. What works one day doesn't always work the next.

    LOVE your Project Life! Good job keeping up with it!
